Benefits of Attending Live Recitals

This topic about attending Live Music Concerts has been on my mind for sometime. I want to take this opportunity to let Music Teachers and Parents know of the importance of attending live concerts and hopefully, they will encourage and support their students and children to attend Live Music Concerts.

Many music students who learn a musical instrument do not even attend one concert a year. I find this to be very surprising. Even as a Music Student in my University, we were graded on our attendance and we had to fulfil a number of concert attendance every semester and we even had to write concert reviews for it.

Music must be shared with others. As the British Composer Malcolm Arnold once said "Music is the social act of communication among people, a gesture of friendship, the strongest there is."

No matter what culture we are from, everyone loves music. Wouldn't you agree that Music has a special power that connects us all?


Live Music Touches the Soul

In our modern age, we sometimes lose sight of the importance of live music concerts. For young children, attending live concerts is very important. Many children don't have many opportunities to experience live music concert. We have so much access to very good music digitally that we often neglect the importance of hearing Music Live. Live music an touch one's should in a way that recorded music cannot. It connects the performer to the audience in a deep and powerful way.


Live Music is Motivating

Live Music is inspiring. We want the students to leave a concert feeling that they want to go home and practice and if they continue to practice, they might be able to play just like their performer that have just seen and heard.


Appreciating Music Performce of Diverse Cultures

When attending Live Music concerts, students are exposed to a diverse array of music. The world of classical music is huge. There is more repertoire than most of us can ever play in our lifetime.

If we want our students to know and understand good music, we must expose them to live concerts from an early age. Many performers play with different interpretation of the same piece of music. Students can gain much from hearing different interpretation of the same piece.

You can check out to find out the various Concerts and Musicals around Singapore and book online. Check out the website below:

I hope this will inspire you to attend more concerts and fill your heart and mind with beautiful and inspiring music