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Singapore National Piano and Violin Competition 2011

The biennial National Piano & Violin Competition 2011 organised by the National Arts Council (NAC) is held this year. This competition provides a platform for music excellence and allows musicians to showcase their musical talent and ability.

It aims to develop the performing skills of musicians in Singapore, improve musical standards and identify potential music talent by providing the opportunity for young musicians to perform before international adjudicators.

I think this is a good experience and exposure for young aspiring musicians. IT is a great opportunity to perform and compete with fellow musicians, to experience the adrenalin rush when performing before a live audience, and a great experience.

I encourage all piano and violin teachers to encourage your students to participate for the experience as well as to motivate and inspire them.

I will be sending 2 of my students to participate in this competition this year. It is not about winning, though it will be a huge PLUS, but the most important thing I want my students to take from this, is the experience of preparing for the competition, the hard work, the motivation and the feeling that you played to your BEST! These are the most important points I want them to learn.

If performing has been something that you dream about, this is a good platform and opportunity for you.

Think Big and Discover how to make your dreams real. Nothing is impossible to a Willing Heart.

As Winston Churchill once said "The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."

For more details of the competition, click on the link here : National Piano and Violin Competition 2011

The registration deadline is 12 August 2011.

All the best to all of you who decide to participate!