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5 Things You Need To Know When You Buy a Piano

When you're buying a piano, there are many things that you have to put into consideration. You have to be aware that the piano is not only an instrument to enjoy and play with, but it could also be a splendid investment in your home that will give you many years and decades of musical satisfaction. You can pass it along to your children and grandchildren, and transmit the love for music to the next generation. Because buying the piano is such an important purchase that has the potential to give you lifetime benefits, you should take extreme care in choosing the right piano model for you and your family.

The first thing you need to consider when buying a piano is quality of sound. It has been said that not all pianos are created equal. Some pianos have a sharper, more resonant sound. Others have more echo and are fit to be placed in larger rooms. You have to pick the type of piano that suits your personal needs and purposes well. Are you looking for an instrument to place in your living room? Or do you prefer to have a piano in a studio or for a concert? It is highly advisable to choose a piano with the best quality of sound, and the definition of "best" depends on your personal needs and preferences.

Size factor is the second thing you have to consider when buying a piano. This may seem like a trivial aspect of your purchase, but the size of your piano can have tremendous impact on the sound and suitability of your instrument. For example, smaller sized pianos can be easily put up in household rooms with limited space. However, the sound quality of these smaller sized pianos has lesser resonance and distinctiveness when placed in larger rooms or concert halls. This is the reason why you need to carefully consider your own reasons for purchasing a piano. If you simply want it in your home as a decoration and musical companion, you can opt for smaller models. On the other hand, if you are concerned with performance features, go for the larger ones and even think about choosing a grand piano.

Of course, you should also consider the piano brand. There are thousands of piano brands out there for you to choose from. However, there are certain piano makers that have already established a solid reputation and brand name over the past few decades. You should pay more attention to these elite piano makers when buying an instrument because they have already proven their worth in the music industry. Baldwin Pianos, for example, has been providing high-quality pianos since 1890 and still continues to be one of the most reliable brands today. Kawai, meanwhile, is piano brand that originates from Japan and boasts of superior sound quality. Other elite brands include Steinway, Schimmel and Bosendorfer. Keep these brands in mind when considering a piano purchase.

Durability is the fourth thing you have to be concerned with in your piano. You need to know if the materials used for your instrument can stand the test of time. The materials used for the outer rim of a durable piano are maple or beech wood. The internal bass strings must be made of steel core coated with copper wire, to make sure that they will not rust and dust through time.

Lastly, you also need to consider the price range for the piano of your choice. Some pianos provide an average sound quality but have higher prices because they are deemed as high-end and prestigious. However, if you are keen and smart enough, you can look around and pick a piano model with superb sound quality at a lesser cost. Maintain a sharp eye for prices and you will be able to make smart choices when buying a piano that suits your needs.

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